
SpencerGroup Media (SGM) offers a variety of services ranging from writing basic marketing collateral to sophisticated advertising campaigns to targeted public relations involving publicity. From concept to completion, we make sure your project is given the special attention it deserves. Our approach is simple: Find out what our client's marketing needs are and find creative ways to fill them. We believe creativity sells and are committed to helping our clients reach their marketing goals and objectives through focused communications and appealing advertising and publicity campaigns.

Below are some of the services we offer.


Creating copy is an art form and our forte. Whether media related or corporate, copywriting is a fundamental communications tool. From marketing collateral and newsletters to press releases and pitch letters to annual reports and advertising campaigns, SGM specializes in crafting the written form of the client's message.

From concept to completion, however large or small, we make sure your project is given the special attention it deserves.

Copyediting and Proofreading

Your business may not need a vast array of advertising or public relations services. However, your current communications materials may need a thorough update. SGM prides itself on being able to take existing copy and rewrite it so that it conveys exactly what you need it to.

Art Direction and Design

Consultation and direction in the areas of artistic layout, graphic design and web design are also in SGM's wheelhouse. Successfully communicating your message is more easily achieved by complementing fresh copywriting with creative art and design. We take care in matching these two marketing elements and producing an outcome that fits your product or service and elevates your brand image.

Public Relations and Publicity

Perception is everything and public relations is that avenue. When the time comes to introduce your product, service or yourself to the world, exposure is key. SGM will assist in communicating your message to the appropriate media outlets.

Specialty Services

English as a Second Language

With so many companies migrating from foreign countries to do business in the U.S., communicating to an audience that reads, writes and understands primarily English can be a challenge. That's where SGM comes in. We will take your existing copy, whether it is an instruction manual, marketing collateral or any other corporate communication, and refine it into perfectly written English so that you can be successful in expanding your market reach.


Web Content Makeover

Having a web presence in the 21st century is important for any business, large or small. We specialize in taking current website content, assessing it, editing it, reworking it, rewriting it to an extent, if necessary, and delivering fresh copy that can be clearly read and understood.

A clean website with well written content can be an efficient communications tool that helps draw in clients and maintain a positive brand image. We don’t guarantee you’ll draw more viewers to your site but we do promise the web copy will be grammatically correct, easy to read, clear and concise.